The “Developmental Disabilities Individual Budgeting Waiver Services Coverage and Limitations Handbook Providers” states that all providers that must intervene in behavioral emergency situations (e.g. when recipients exhibit aggression, self-injury, property destruction, etc.), are required to be trained to competency in an agency approved crisis management procedure consistent with Chapter 65G-8, F.A.C. This standard also applies to providers of Behavior Analysis, Behavior Assistant, and other services if working with individuals with significant behavioral challenges. TACT is an APD-approved emergency procedure training curriculum developed by Professional Education Services, INC and we are certified trainers. Program overview: This course was developed by: Professional Education Services Inc. Class goal: For professionals to prevent aggressive behavior, learn safe interventions, create a restraint- free environment, debrief and document crisis situations, develop self-confidence, and manage potential and actual crisis situations. Class format: Initial training or renewal training Duration: 12 hours- 2 days (initial certification) or 6 hours- one-day (re-certification) Class method: Traditional Classroom Training Training topics: Trauma-informed care; Creating a Healing and Preventive Environment, Therapeutic Approach; Assessing and Responding to Agitation; De-escalation techniques; Risk Factors of Restraints, Rules and Regulations, Basic Defensive Techniques; De-briefing; Event Documentation
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